Thursday, June 5, 2008

Win some gluten free lipstick!

Lucy over at Free-From is holding a contest to win some gluten free, organic lipsticks. I myself won't be using them if I won, but my girlfriend would probably love them :P

Taken from the contest post...
Afterglow cosmetics are 100% gluten free because their founder’s mother and sister both have coeliac disease and must avoid all things containing gluten – including cosmetics. When setting up Afterglow Cosmetics, Kristin made sure that none of the ingredients used to formulate her line of cosmetics contained gluten. The vitamin E, for example, comes from organic cotton seed oil and organic olive oil, not from wheat, so you can use them without worrying.

How can you win?
Let Lucy know, either in a comment or in a post on your own site, where is the most unlikely place you’ve found gluten. For example, in the UK, they put gluten in Smarties (a bit like chocolate M&Ms, only bigger). If they can make M&Ms without gluten, why do Smarties need it?

My unlikely gluten source (many people know of) would have to be most soy sauces. Yes most of us gluten free people know this, but it took me a while before I even thought of it!
So hopefully this helps someone out there ordering chinese food thinking it is gluten free :P

To read more details about this contest visit Free-From

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